Fatty Liver – Diet Plan & How to Reduce it

Fatty liver, scientifically known as hepatic steatosis, results from fat accumulation on the liver.  Generally, our liver has no fat storage on it. But, after years of sustained over a long period of time will lead up to high cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglycerides. Therefore, it is vital to bring some dietary changes to get rid of fatty liver disease. A fatty liver diet is one of the best ways to treat and improve overall symptoms.

Fatty liver, scientifically known as hepatic steatosis, results from fat accumulation on the liver.  Generally, our liver has no fat storage on it. But, after years of sustained over a long period of time will lead up to high cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglycerides. Therefore, it is vital to bring some dietary changes to get rid of fatty liver disease. A fatty liver diet is one of the best ways to treat and improve overall symptoms.

The primary objective of a fatty liver diet is to eliminate the fat accumulated in the abdominal area. It helps reduce the progression of fat in the liver. In addition, a fatty liver diet is also suitable for people who have jaundice. It is a precautionary measure to ensure that the liver condition doesn’t worsen.

Everything about Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver disease is a condition of extra fat build-up on the liver. Fatty liver disease is more common than ever. It usually does not cause any symptoms initially. However, it is often first detected by imaging tests requested for other reasons. These tests include abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI.

Most people associate fatty liver with drinking too much alcohol. However, this common disease can also occur in people who don’t drink any alcohol at all. In addition, studies prove malnutrition and a low-protein diet may cause fatty liver in non-alcoholic people.

It is most common in people over the age of 60. However, it can occur in children and young adults. This form of fatty liver disease is called “Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease” or “NAFLD”.

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (also known as “hepatic steatosis”) is a build-up of fat in the liver. There are several reasons why someone might develop a fatty liver. It can be over-consumption of sugar, insulin resistance, obesity, and genetics.

One of the main recommendations to get rid of the fat stored in your liver is to lose weight, especially if you are obese. Reducing at least 10% of body weight can increase enzyme production in the liver. And that will eliminate some of the stored fat naturally.

Over time, a fatty liver can lead to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (also called “NASH”). NASH is a more advanced form of fatty liver disease and may lead to cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) and liver cancer. Unfortunately, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease can also lead to chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease. 

Top Causes of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Various reasons may cause fatty liver. There are some controllable reasons like food intake and nutrition. Whereas, for reasons like pre-diabetes, the genetic linkage may not be as easily controlled. These causes may require medication. 


Malnutrition can cause mitochondrial changes, which can lead to NAFLD. Research says that malnutrition from childhood may lead to hepatic steatosis. It is a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Low protein

Scientists also suggest that low protein intake during infancy can be a leading cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In addition, children suffering from marasmus and kwashiorkor may develop fatty liver disease in the later stages of their life. These two conditions result from deficient protein in children’s diet and occur mostly in children who are severely malnourished.


Just like malnutrition, overeating can cause inflammation. And inflammation can lead to liver damage. As per studies, most obese adults have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Excess fat deposition in the body leads to insulin resistance and inflammation. As a result, one can develop fatty liver disease.


People who are sensitive to sugar or are insulin resistant tend to have more fat. And pre-diabetics store more fat on the liver than other people. As a result, they are more prone to the risk of fatty liver. 

Over-consumption of carbs and sugar

Excess sugar, refined carbs like white flour and soda are linked to NAFL. It is precarious for insulin-resistant individuals. Thus, the chances of developing a fatty liver condition are high. 

Poor Gut Health

An imbalance of bacteria in the gut lining could contribute to NAFLD development in some people.


Some cultural groups are prone to developing fatty liver, especially men of Hispanic or African-American descent. Therefore, people genetically inclined to develop fatty liver disease should follow a fatty liver diet. It will help them in staying away from the disease.

Fatty Liver – Diet Plan & How to Reduce it

7 Foods to Avoid on a Fatty Liver Diet

You might assume that “fat” is the biggest culprit in NAFLD, but surprisingly it’s high in sugar and carbohydrate-containing foods. Of course, it is essential to avoid saturated fat for overall health and weight loss. But, reducing carb intake will warrant the most considerable improvement in your fatty liver condition. 

  1. Alcohol : One of the most important things to avoid when having NAFLD is alcohol. Not only can alcohol cause fatty liver disease, but it can make an existing condition much worse. 
  2. Sugar : You should cut down on any sugar. It even includes naturally derived sugars like fruit juice and honey.
  3. Refined carbs : You should avoid having white carbs like white bread and pasta. Instead, you can replace them with whole-grain alternatives like quinoa, whole wheat bread, and black bean pasta.
  4. Salt : Try to keep your sodium intake to under 1500 milligrams per day. Too much salt can make you hold onto water weight. 
  5. Fried foods : Fried foods like french fries, chips, chicken wings, and doughnuts are high in fat and sugar. So these types of foods make your blood sugar rise. And that is a contributing factor to NAFLD.
  6. Saturated fat : You should avoid any sort of saturated fat, including red meat and butter. Instead, replace it with healthy fats like olive, avocado, and cold-pressed nut oils. 
  7. Red meat : Red meat like beef and pork contains high amounts of saturated fats. It is not desirable in the case of fatty liver. Hence, you should avoid it. Red meat also has toxins that can worsen health by causing inflammation when not correctly processed.

Recommended Lifestyle Changes

You can do several things to reduce your risk and control the fatty liver disease. 

1. Exercise

Engaging in daily exercise is a great way to keep your fatty liver under control. Taking part in a combination of cardio and strength training a few times per week may reduce fat build-up in adults with NAFLD by 10%. 

High-Intensity Interval Training or “HIIT” is also an excellent exercise. It combines cardio and strength training into one quick routine. A recent study shows that patients with insulin resistance who partook in HIIT workouts for 12 weeks have reduced their liver fat by 39%. 

The frequency of your exercise is more important than how intense your workouts are. Regular exercise is essential, whether you choose a lighter, cardio-based activity or a fierce strengthening one. Aim to work out for 30 minutes most days of the week. 4 To 5 days is a great way to start. 

2. Get Your Diabetes Under Control

We already know that insulin resistance is a precursor to fatty liver disease. Talk to your doctor if you cannot control your diabetes through diet and lifestyle alone. The doctor will help you manage diabetes with medication. It could be crucial in preventing the occurrence of NAFLD down the road. 

3. Sleep pattern

Sleep pattern is fundamental when it comes to liver diseases. Regular sleep of 7-8 hours a day is necessary for optimal body functioning. Sleep gives the body a window of rest, repair, and rejuvenation. Hence, it’s imperative to get optimum sleep every day.

4. Water intake

Water is the essence of life. You should consume 3-4 liters of water daily. Water flushes out toxins from our bodies and helps reduce inflammation. Therefore, it is crucial to drink water regularly for the excellent functioning of the body.

Fatty Liver Disease can stem from a myriad of issues, including poor diet, obesity, pre-diabetes, genetics, and poor gut health. However, following a Mediterranean-style diet high in green vegetables, low-sugar fruits, lean meats, and whole grains is the key to preventing and healing the fatty liver. 

It is also important to avoid sugar, white carbs, alcohol, salt, and saturated fat if you have a fatty liver. Overall, you must follow a healthy diet and keep your weight and blood sugar in control. That way, you can keep NAFLD at bay and lead a healthy life. It is imperative to follow a fatty liver diet when you have a fatty liver condition. A healthy lifestyle, regular physical activity, water and sleep patterns also play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy liver and overall good health.


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